In case you've been living under a rock (or in Canada possibly), the low-carb thing has hit what is *hopefully* it's critical mass in the continental U.S. During a recent trip to Quizno's I was searching for something to accompany my delicious toasted sandwich when I stumbled on
It's like paper, with salt and happiness sprinked on top!
I wasn't quite sure there was anything wrong with the original Doritos (besides their mind-boggling amount of things that are horrible for you), but Frito-Lay took it upon themselves to cash in on the low carb movement with a product that screams "Might Cause Anal Leakage." Well, not actually, but if Olestra tasted as bad as these new chips taste, WoW chips might have died off a little faster than they did originally.
I think the real question is:
is being healthier worth giving up eating things that taste like food?
Kerry me home
In other news, John Kerry is coming here (Portland, OR) tommorrow & I'm going to try & hit it up if possible. I'm interested to see if he's cool enough to rock shorts and some Birkenstocks because it's going to be H-O-T! If you live in the Portland area and are confused about where to go & where to get these illustrious tickets click
here....they're free (but you'll probably get all that great
democratic Spam!) I really don't mean to slam the democratic party, but they're definitely not perfect.
Bon Jovi & Leonardo Di Caprio are also hanging out in P-town, no doubt to pick up these
Portland girls and re-amplify their careers in the (503).
Speaking of celebrities hanging out in Portland, it reminds me of when Benicio Del Turo was hanging out in town during the shooting of "The Hunted" (a real waste of 92 minutes). Chelsea Cain wrote a real funny column about it, which you can find
here. I used to be tight with Chelsea back in grade school when she came to visit our English Class...little did I know how funny her writing was, because I think she came in to tell us about grammer. She wrote (and continues to write) some hilarious stuff for the
Portland Mercury & Willy Week, which is worth checking out.
"Do you like my stethescope and high neckline?"
I'll leave you with that image in your heads ;)